General Meeting Minutes for 2007

General Meeting Minutes for January 24th 2007.
-Committee reports:
-Lion Fahning reported the antique appraisal event would be on May 6th from 1-5PM at the Holiday Inn Lower River Front Ballroom. The cost of the event would be $450, consisting of two hundred dollars for the room at the Holiday Inn and $250 for the appraiser. She feels we can recover the cost by selling tables for the event and if not, we could charge a small admission fee. We could also sell food at the event and will get the entire appraisal fee of $5 per item.
-Lion Crawford reported the Spaghetti Dinner would be March 12th and he will have the tickets for distribution at the next meeting.
-Lion Chervinsky reported the first Sight First II meeting was held with Lions Witkowski, Ferrentino, Chervinsky, and Steinagel in attendance. Lion Witkowski has a letter drafted will be used to solicit donations from the community. Fundraising was discussed with more info to follow. The next meeting is scheduled for February 27th.
-Lion Fahning reported $677 dollars brought in from the Bon-Ton fundraiser. Lion Norris distributed coupon books for the next fundraiser scheduled for March 3rd. -Lion Chervinsky distributed flyers for the Pizza Hut event scheduled for Monday, February 19th.
-Lion Ruocco reported that the Valentines Party would be at the Holliday Inn and would cost $30 per couple or $15 per person.
-Lion President Hahn reported that we need a nominating committee set up for the 07-08 board members. Lions Bassette, MacNeil, Chervinsky, and Rusert volunteered for this.
-Lion Hahn reported that DG Kim Stribing wants clubs to nominate local citizens for a community recognition Banquet scheduled for April 21st. There would be four nominations one each for outstanding police officer, fire fighter, senior citizen, and youth. Nominations must be in by the end of February. A committee was formed of Lions Crawford, Bassette, and Ruocco. -Lion Crawford was our speaker and what is happening in town government. Items discussed were; a town employee/union contract of five years that will save the town on benefits; problems with garbage pickup contracts; and various development projects.
-Lion Hahn reported the Amherst Lions sent raffle tickets for a pair of Sabre tickets. Cost is $5 ea.
-Lion Bassette reviewed the Uplinger Award and Melvin Jones nomination that our club is planning. A committee to make these selections has been formed and the Melvin Jones nomination is contingent on having funds available.
-The meeting was adjourned at 9PM.

Respectfully submitted, Lion Dave Chervinsky

General Meeting Minutes for February 28th 2007
-Jason Bridge of UNYTS was the guest speaker. He described the organizations mission and relationship with the Lions. The Lions Blind and Charity Fund have bought important pieces of equipment including a Keratometer and Slit lamp Microscope. In addition to facilitating transplants UNYTS also has an active research program and does its own tissue testing.
-The split club of $17 was won by Bob Piatek who was not present. -Sunshine Club: Diane and Jerry Dubiel are both suffering from back problems. -Committee Reports:
-The Pizza Hut fund raiser brought in $50 for our club. -Lion Norris reminded us that the Bon-Ton Fund raiser is this Saturday. -Lion Fahning reported that the flyers have been sent out announcing the Antique Appraisal event. -Lion Witkowski talked to us about Campaign Sight First II (CSFII) and the importance of commitment to this cause and to the Lions Mission. I every Lion Gave $0.32 per day for the next 16 months we would be able to cover the Clubs commitment to this cause that works internationally to treat and prevent blindness.
-The walk for sight is April 21st at the Amherst Pepsi Center. Lions Witkowski and Norris have forms for ordering clothing commemorating the event such as T-shirts and Jackets.
-Lion President Hahn reported that the Buffalo Host Club requested 1000 eye glass repair kits and was mistakenly donated 50,000. Buffalo Host wants to distribute the excess to local Clubs to help with fund raising. It's suggested that they can be sold for $3 with $1 going back to the selling club and the rest to other Lion causes such as CSFII.
-Lion Bassette reported on the Blind and Charity Fund meeting and presented Lion Burt Wixson with a Button for work he did for the Labor Exchange in helping the Fund. He also reported that we nominated community leaders for the fund to honor at the Blind and Charity Banquet on April 22nd. Those nominated are Greg Butcher- Firefighter, Frank Bessino- Senior, and Jill Endres- Youth. Cost of the dinner ($25 each) would be picked up by the Club. This was sent to the Budget Committee. Lion Bassette urged Lions to designate the Fund through the United Way and pointed out that our club gets a portion of that back. Our share this year is $1072.15. -Lion secretary Norris read correspondence:
-LCI has requested a representative from our club for the Chicago Convention. It would be held July 2nd-6th. -Lion Norris has raffle tickets for Canine Helpers and Canine Companions for Independence. Cost is $5 each for either one.
-Lions Vision Camp for the Blind Is June 2nd.
-Lion Hahn reminded the Lions we are going to Merritton on March 14th and the Merritton bowling tournament is March 18th.
-Lion Hahn asked the Nominating Committee to meet soon. Lion Bassette will do this. Meeting was adjourned at 9:10 PM.

Respectfully submitted, Lion Dave Chervinsky


Meeting was called to order at 7:10PM. 15 members were present.
Lion Norm Hahn introduced our guest speaker, Pat Norton, of the U.S. Border Patrol.
COMMITTEE REPORTS: Antique Appraisal: Lion Shelia reported the event will be held Sunday, May 6,2007 at the Grand Island Holiday Inn [1-5 PM]. To date 3 tables are reserved; 20 are needed to cover the $200 room charge. No cleanup will be required.
She will contact Island Nursery re: a possible geranium sale. Food & water will be for sale, also. An article appeared in last week's Island Dispatch. Suggestions/volunteers are needed. Sunshine: Lion Donna LaVallee has accepted Chairmanship of the Telephone/Sunshine Committee.
Special Kids' Picnic: Lion Floyd reported a planning meeting will be held Tuesday, April 3, 2007 at the Buffalo Launch Club. Lions are encouraged to attend; you are also invited to join Lion Floyd and Chie for dinner prior to the meeting.
Lion Norm is ordering hats, currently negotiating to get New Era caps. Lion Larry Furnia has been contacted re: handling the boats.
Nominating Committee: Lion Paul Bassette reported the Nominating Committee met February 6,2007.
Following is the slate of officers proposed for the 2007-2008 year: President - Lion Shelia Ferrentino 1st Vice-President - Lion Diane Dubiel 2nd Vice-President - Lion Mike Steinagel 3rd Vice-President - Lion Henry Lobl Corresponding Secretary - Lion Kathie Norris Recording Secretary - Lion Dave Chervinsky Treasurer - Lion Al Ackerman Tail Twister - Lion Fred Ruocco Lion Tamer - Lion Donna LaVallee Membership Chairman - Lion Tom Rusert Director 2 years - Lions Jerry Dubiel and John MacNeil Director 1 year - Lions Dick Crawford and Anne Fahning Immediate Past President - Lion Norm Hahn Lion Kathie will send notices to all members, so vote can occur at our next meeting on April 11, 2007. No nominations were received from the floor. Motion to accept the nominations was accepted by members present.
Split Club winner was Lion Jim Crump, who was not present.
Our guest speaker, Pat Norton, gave a most interesting presentation on the U.S. Border Patrol. Founded in 1924 with 1700 members initially, it has grown to 12,000 members. Recruitment efforts are ongoing, with plans to increase the force to 18,000 members. One million aliens were caught last year, with the bulk of them deported [voluntarily] to Mexico. Locally, coverage is being expanded due to our proximity to the Canadian border. A trooper is always stationed at Squaw Island and on Grand Island. Mr. Norton encourages Neighborhood Watches: Any suspicious activity can be reported to the U.S. Border Patrol at 1-800-331-0353. Someone will take your call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
OLD BUSINESS: Bon Ton Days: Lion Kathie reported that $151.00 profit was made from the last sale. Lion Shelia sold 7 books 1 week prior to the event; the rest were bought by our members. A check is forthcoming. Lion Kathie thanks everyone who participated.
Spaghetti Dinner: Lion Dick Crawford was not present. However, Budget Committee members reported an estimated $4400 was made. A final tally will be presented by Lion Dick at our next meeting.
Pizza Hut Night: Lion Diane reported that a final total has not yet been received from Paul Omelian, Pizza Hut Manager. She will present a report at our next meeting.
Amendments to our Constitutional By-Laws: Voting did not occur, as a quorum of 23 members was not present. Tabled and referred to the Board of Directors for further revision and discussion.
NEW BUSINESS: Walk For Sight: A reminder that the event will be held Saturday April 21,2007 at the Amherst Pepsi Center. See flyer in March Newsletter, or call Lion Tom Witkowski at 773-4437 for more information.
WNY Community Recognition Celebration: Sponsored by Lions MD-20N, the event will be held Sunday, April 22,2007 at the Millenium Hotel, 2040 Walden Avenue,Cheektowaga. Our Club will pay for our 3 nominees: Greg Butcher|Firelighter|, Jill Endres[Youth] and Frank Bessino[Senior Citizen]. We will also pay for 1 guest for each nominee, and our President, Lion Norm. District Governor Kirn Stribing encourages Lions to attend. Cost is $25/person. Contact Lion Paul or Lion Norm for further information. Lion Norm will send letters to the three nominees.
Hot Dog Fundraiser: Lion Norm announced our club will be selling hot dogs and beverages on Tuesday, July 31,2007 at the Town Concert. It will be held at the Town Gazebo, at the Town Commons. Volunteers are needed for this event. Call Lion Norm for details.
Peace Poster Contest Awards: Lion Paul announced District 20N winners will receive their awards at the Cabinet Meeting on April 22,2007. Our club Will honor Grand Island's winners at our May 23,2007 meeting,
TREASURER' REPORT FOR MARCH 28,2007: Balance in Welfare Account: $6393.45 Balance in General Account: $1040.28 Balance in AP Scholarship Fund: $804.04 [$100 of this will be transferred to the Welfare Account in April.] 1 member still has not paid dues. Lion AI requests that this be done as soon as possible. Respectfully submitted, Lion Al Ackerman, Treasurer UPCOMING DATES TO REMEMBER: Wednesday, April 11,2007
- Next regular meeting. Guest speaker will be From Mercy Flight. Wednesday, April 25,2007 - No regular meeting.
Our Club is being honored by the Grand Island Chamber of Commerce as the Service Organization of the Year. Lion Norm recommends that members attend this event, to be held at the Grand Island Holiday Inn. Cocktails are at 6 PM, dinner at 7 PM. Cost is $42/person. Our Club has 2 tables reserved; send or take your payment to the Grand Island Chamber of Commerce, 2257 Grand Island Blvd., Grand Island, NY 14072. You can also call the Chamber at 773-3651 with a credit card payment. Reservations are requested as soon as possible.

Respectfully submitted, Lion Diane Dubiel

General Meeting Minutes for April 11th 2007

-The split club of $33 was won by Kathie Norris.
-Our guest speaker was Stan Snopkowski of Mercy Flight. Stan is a chief pilot and he described the structure and logistics involved in the local Mercy Flight program. Reports:
-Lion President Norm Hahn announced that Kids Day would be April 24th and asked for volunteers from our club. Those willing should contact the Knights of Columbus and be at the Hall at 5:30AM.
-Lion Diane Dubiel reported we received only $20 from the Pizza Hut fund-raiser.
-Lion Dubiel also announced that there will be a Small Business Association seminar at the Buffalo Convention Center on May 9th. Lion Dubiel has brochures for anyone interested in this.
-Lion Tom Witkowski reminded lions that the Walk for sight is April 21st and urged members to sign up and help fund Sight First II. Our District has raised $26,000 so far and has a goal of $252,000. Correspondence:
-Lion Secretary Kathie Norris reported we received a thank you for our $100 contribution to WNY Independent Living. -A thank you was received from Young Life for our contribution to their fundraising banquet where they raised $14,000.
- Hunters Hope is asking us for a donation. Committee Reports:
-Lion Tom Witkowski reported that the MTI Screening is going forward with the screening of 35 children at St. Stephens School on April 24th. He also said there was a logistic problem at Sidway where we need to screen 200 children over a one week period. He is working to accommodate that.
- Lion Dick Crawford reported that the Chamber Awards Dinner currently has one table for the Lions. Other club members would sign up or have recently signed up and estimates were that we would have three tables at the event. Lion George Casey had previously suggested that we invite District Governor Kim Stribing and her Husband to this event. Lion Anne Fahning made a motion for our club to pay for their dinners. This was passed, and arrangements with the DG were made and confirmed for this.
-Lion Crawford also reported that we had $5200 profit from the spaghetti dinner. Other Business: -Lion Hahn reported that Millie Goldblat donated Lions hankeys and pins of her late husband to the club. Lion Hahn indicated we can auction them off at a future meeting. -There will be a board meeting on the 26th of April at the K of C Hall.
-Lion Hahn reminded the club of the Community recognition Awards and will finalize arrangements with the invited recipients.
-The District Governor informed clubs that the state dues are increasing by $5. Lion Crawford told the club we could not absorb the increase and our dues would have to go up by the same amount to cover the cost. Lion Diane Dubiel reminded the club that the Merritton Lobster Fest would be on May 26th and needed a count this week. Cost is $65 Canadian.
-The slate of officers was read to the members. All positions were unopposed. Lion Paul Bassette made a motion for the Secretary to cast one vote for the slate which passed unanimously.
- The meeting was adjourned at 9PM.

Respectfully submitted, Lion Dave Chervinsky

General Meeting Minutes for May 9th 2007

-There was a moment of silence for Lion Bruce Kaiser
-Lion Tom Witkowski reported on the State Convention. Lion Witkowski noted that Lion Ken Butkowski would be our District Governor next year. Also, The dues increase proposal was voted down. New technology introduced at the convention included new phones that will transcribe speech instantly.
-The Grand Island Superintendent of Schools, Robert Christmann, Spoke to the Club about the upcoming school budget. Committee reports:
-Lion Mike Steinagel reported that the Kids Picnic is planning is moving forward and the committee will meet again on June 12th.
-Lion Witkowski reported that the MTI photo screening is going forward. 35 children at St. Stephens School were recently screened and we are in the process of screening kids at Stay to Play Nursery School.
-Lion Witkowski thanked Lions Paul Bassette and Henry Lobl for their contributions to Walk for Sight. Lion Witkowski reminded our club that contributions could be made to Sight First II through a special account set up for this purpose. See Lion Witkowski or Lion Treasurer Al Ackerman to make your contribution.
Secretaries Report:
-Lion Secretary Kathy Norris reported we received a congratulatory card from the Zonta Club for our recent recognition of Service Club of the Year. -Lion Norris also reported that our second fund-raiser with Bon Ton raised $350 for our club.
-Split Club of $8 was won by George Casey who was not present. -The vote on the bylaws changes was tabled because the club did not have a quorum present.
-Our second Guest speaker was Curt Nestark, President of the Grand Island Historical Society. Curt gave us a brief history lesson of significant events on Grand Island. The town was created on October 18th 1852. John Nice was the first town supervisor and Isaiah Bedell the first postmaster. The Bedell House was burned three times in 1877, 1935, and 1986. The first bridge to the Island was built in 1935 and the first vehicle to use the bridge was a fire truck responding to the Bedell House fire. Grand Island was once called Cinderella Island and many wealthy Buffalonians built mansions and summer homes on the Island. Only two remain; the Sidway House which is the Beaver Island Park office and River Lea, which is at the south end of the park. The Historical society is in the process of raising funds to install a security system for River Lea. The building formerly owned by the Allen family is now maintained by the Historical society with help from the Parks Department.
-The meeting was adjourned at 9:05PM.

Respectfully submitted, Lion Dave Chervinsky

General Meeting Minutes for May 23rd 2007.

Lion Norm Hahn called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM.
Lion Marlaine Kaniecki introduced our guests: Matthew Higgins & family, and Nick Soos & family. Matthew & Nick are the 1st and 2nd place winners in our 2007 Peace Poster Contest. Committee Reports: Recycling
- Lion Jerry Dubiel presented a $42.00 check for cartridges recycled to date. He encouraged all members to bring used laser and inkjet cartridges to him. Installation Dinner
- Lion Jerry reported it is scheduled for Wednesday, June 13, 2007 at the BLC. Cocktails are at 6 PM and dinner at 7 PM. More details will follow. Special Children's Picnic
- Lion Al Ackerman reported that invitations have been sent to all agencies/schools who participated in the past. Their response is pending for an estimated final count. The next Planning Committee Meeting will be Tuesday, June 12, 2007 at the BLC Gazebo. All are welcome.
New Business:
Lion Diane Dubiel requested participants for the Town's 4th of July Parade. She circulated a sign-up sheet. Any members who wish to walk or drive are requested to call her before June 20th at 773-3465.
Lion Norm read Lion Tom Witkowski's recent E-mail re: grants available from Hamburger Helper . These grants[up to $15,000] may be used to help fund our program for children with visual disabilities. Lion Tom has applied for a grant, and encourages our members to provide additional supportive documentation.
Lion Dick Crawford announced our Club will hold a fundraiser at the Town Hall Concert on Tuesday, July 31,2007. Lions are needed to cook hot dogs, hamburgers, beverages, etc. More information will follow in the June Newsletter.
Lion Paul Bassette announced that Lion Tom Witkowski was awarded the Progressive Robert Uplinger Award for his outstanding community service. The award was presented at the Cabinet Recognition and District Governor's Testimonial Dinner on May 19, 2007.
Secretary's Report:
Lion Kathie Norris reported she received two BonTon checks for $367.07 and $350.00 for our club's efforts in the recent BonTon Days. Lion Kathie thanked all who participated. She also reported that Lions International acknowledged one new member. [If 3 or more are inducted, a lapel pin award will be given.]
She announced several raffle tickets received from various Lion Clubs. Contact Lion Kathie if interested. On June 16, 2007 Buffalo Host Lions Club is sponsoring a Father's Day Dinner, at $8.00 per ticket.
Treasurer's Report: Lion Al Ackerman presented the Treasurer's Report[see elsewhere in this Newsletter].
Lion Norm discussed correspondence he received: a tribute to Lion Vinnie Tagliarino will be held June 3, 2007, honoring him for 50 years in Lionism. On that date, the Depew Lions will also be celebrating their 40th Anniversary.
Program: Lion Marlaine conducted our program, honoring our Club's Peace Poster Contest Winners. Matthew Higgins was awarded a $200 Savings Bond[1st Place], and Nick Soos was awarded a $100 Savings Bond[2nd Place]. 3rd and 4th Place Awards also were presented to winners, who were not present. Matthew and Nick explained what their posters depicted, each expressing this year's theme, "Celebrate Peace". Winning posters will be displayed at the Grand Island Memorial Library until March, 2008.
A motion to adjourn was presented by Lion Dick Crawford, seconded by Lion Henry Lobl. Meeting was adjourned at 8:45 PM. A Board Meeting followed.

Respectfully submitted, Lion Diane Dubiel
